Adding Coupons

  • How do I submit my coupon to your site?

    Visit our coupon submission page. Alternatively, visit any Store page and click the blue button “Submit a Coupon” to add a coupon for that store.

    1. Choose store: Select the store your coupon is for, by searching for store name. Please allow up to 30 seconds for the search to register. Select a store and the form field should auto-populate.
    2. Select category: Select related a category that best fits with your coupon.
    3. Choose offer type: Select Code for promo codes to enter online. Select Sale / Referral to link directly to an online deal and enter a referral URL. Select Printable for a coupon that can be printed at home and used in store, and upload a picture of your coupon.
    4. Code: Enter your coupon code, otherwise select a different offer type.
    5. Coupon image: Upload a picture of your coupon, only if Printable is selected above. Otherwise, skip. By default, the store logo will show with each coupon.
    6. Coupon URL: Insert link to where your coupon or deal can be found online.
    7. Expiration Date: If your coupon has an expiration date, please enter it. It will be automatically removed from the site after it expires, otherwise your link will become invalid.
    8. Coupon title: Enter a brief title. For example, “$5 Off Hosting Plans”
    9. Add offer description: Add any additional details, exclusions, etc. about your coupon.
    10. Click Submit and your coupon or new store will be queued for approval before it is published.

    Still need help? Email us at [email protected].

  • What happens after I submit my coupon?

    After you submit your coupon, it will be pending for review. Once approved by our staff, it will be published live on our site for you and the world to see and use.

    Please keep in mind, the review process can take up to a few business days depending on volume.

  • Why don’t I see the coupon I submitted?

    If you don’t see the coupon you submitted, it could be for several reasons including:

    • It is still pending approval by our staff (this may sometimes take up to a few days).
    • It was not approved, due to inaccurate or missing information or improper formatting (i.e. a broken link).
    • Your coupon may have expired.
    • It may have been removed if users reported it did not work for them.

Adding a New Store

  • How do I create a new store?
    1. Go to our Submit Coupon page.
    2. Click on “Select Store”. Search for a store/brand name first, to make sure it doesn’t already exist. If it hasn’t been added to our site yet, you’ll see a popup that says “Click here to add a new store.”
    3. Enter a new store name and URL (a link to the stores homepage).
    4. Click the blue “Add new store” button.
    5. The new store name will now be autofilled into the first field on the Submit Coupon form.
    6. Proceed by following the steps for adding a coupon that is associated with the new store.
    7. Click Submit.

    If the newly added store is approved, it will appear on its own page and will show up in Store listings.

    You must add a functioning coupon along with the new store you want to add, in order for it to be approved.

  • Why isn’t the new store I added showing up?

    If you don’t see the new store you submitted, it could be for several reasons including:

    • It is still pending approval by our staff (this may sometimes take up to a few days). Please be patient.
    • The store was not approved or goes against our community guidelines.
    • The coupon submitted along with the newly added store was not approved.
  • How do I get my store or company featured?

    If you’d like to be featured on our homepage or in other main areas of our site, please Contact Us and we can discuss further!

My Account

  • Do I need to create an account to submit a coupon?

    As of October 2021, you do not need to create an account in order to submit your own coupon.

  • How do I delete my account?

    Please fill out this form to request account deletion.


  • How can I help support Promo Codes Boss?

    So happy you asked! We work hard to make this site free and accessible to all. If you like what we’re doing, feel free to show us your love by donating!

    You will receive expedited coupon approvals in exchange, as a token of our appreciation.





Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Drop us your question at [email protected] or fill out our Contact form.